Role and Reference Grammar

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York; preg/edni t/anak Ur.: 18. prosinca 2000. UDK 81'33:81'367:81'37 This paper presents the basic concepts of Role and Reference Grammar [RRG], a theory of grammar which draws heavily on the analysis of non-lndo-European languages and which is concerned with the interaction of syntax, semantics and pragmatics in grammatical systems. RRG is a monostratal theory which posits a single syntactic representation for a sentence, which is linked directly to a semantic representation by means of a linking algorithm. The syntactic representation of clause structure in RRG is called the layered structure of the clause. It postulates that clauses are universally composed of a nucleus (which contains the predicating element), a core (which contains the nucleus and the arguments of the predicating element), and a periphery (which contains the temporal and locative modifiers of the core). Modifying each of the layers of the clause are what are called operators in RRG: they include grammatical categories like tense, aspect, modality, negation and illocutionary force. Complex sentences are composed of these units: nucleus + nucleus constitutes a nuclear juncture, core + core constitutes a core juncture, and clause + clause constitutes a clausal juncture. The units in a juncture may stand in one of three relationships to each other: coordination, subordination and cosubordination. There are thus nine abstract juncture-nexus types in universal grammar, and the juncture-nexus types occurring in a particular language may be realized by one or more formal construction types.

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