Shareholders Agreement

Download this Shareholders Agreement to describe shareholders’ rights and obligations and how the company should be operated.

Word Document (.docx)

Shareholders agreement Singapore 6

Ready to use legal template

Drafted by experienced lawyers

Compliant with Singapore law

Ready to use legal template

Drafted by lawyers

Compliant with Singapore law

Learn more about Shareholders Agreement in Singapore

A shareholder agreement is a document that specifies how the firm will be handled to ensure its smooth running. This type of agreement typically address a wide range of topics, including the companies’ business strategies, dividend policies, capital structure, and board makeup. It also specifies the rights, powers, and obligations of the various stakeholders, including the company’s shareholders, directors, and investors. Shareholders, for example, may be given the right to appoint the Board of Directors (“the Board”) through a shareholder agreement, while directors may be given influence over specific management choices. Our other articles will teach you more about shareholder rights and obligations. This contract is not required of shareholders. As a result, stockholders should only enter into one freely.